About Me

Hi I am Jul Kreshpaj :wave:,
software engineer with 5 years of experience in software development using the newest technologies and best design patters. This blog includes my own reflections and experiences regarding software development and related topics drawn from my work, personal projects and elsewhere. It also serves as a place where i can record lessons learned and other interesting tidbits.

Programming Skills



Angular, React, VueJS


Docker, Kuberenetes, Vagrant






Deep Learning


Other Skills

Adobe Illustrator


Adobe XD


Adobe Photoshop


Adobe After Effects


Co-Founder, Orar, Tirana

Nov 2018 — present

Orar is a centralized on-demand service booking platform aimed at connection customers with service-oriented industries in order to deliver this way a seamless experience for both parties.

Software Developer, Codevider, Tirana

Mar 2020 — present

Codevider operates in the outsourcing industry developing web applications in most common programming languages like NodeJS, Python, React, Angular etc.

Software Developer, PaperClicks, Tirana

Sep 2018 — Feb 2020

Worked on Optimizer a platform for marketing optimization. Optimizer communicates with external services and creates a set of rules to optimize the campaigns. Developed The Optimizer Mobile which is a branch of the main platform supporting only Pop-Redirect marketing. Intergrated new traffic sources on the platform. Designed and created user dashboard for advanced statistics of their accounts and performance of their campaigns. Created error handling service to form user-friendy errors sent by backend and external services.

Software Developer, VeryConnect, Glasgow

Dec 2018 — Apr 2019

Software company in Glasgow developing all-in-one membership software that helps you to connect, manage, and engage your members online. Rewritten old unmaintained platform for creating surveys. Created aggregations for detailed stats about user activity on the platform. Created social widgets to auto embed pictures or videos from social media based on links posted on the the feed. Developed system to manage user roles within a company.

Software Developer, iTchCode, Tirana

Mar 2019 — Sep 2019

Developed iItchLessons a web application used together with scratch to create and manage coding lessons for kids. Teachers can create lessons and grad them based on the students performance.

Web Developer, Betingsoft, Tirana

Mar 2016 — Aug 2018

Betingsoft is a software company specialized in building online beting platforms and casino games. During the time here i was responsible for bussiness branding and design including platform icons and casino games graphics. Developing pre match betting on upcoming matches. Creating betslip for live betting with sockets. Creating live sport widget which shows live updates on the current game events live movement, goals, corners, etc also user profiles and reports for previous win/lose.